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Community members are encouraged to sign up to receive email notifications from the City on the latest announcements, bulletins, surveys, activities and other information pertinent to the City of Chilton. Subscribe to one or subscribe to all. Be the first to know when new information is available!
As a City of Chilton e-subscriber, you will receive emails announcing new information pertaining to the topics you subscribe to (see list below). This is a free service for our citizens. Please remember to set your spam blocker to allow mail from
This is a two-step process!!! First sign up below to receive the email notifications. Second, please take the time to finish the process of connecting with City of Chilton E-Subscription. On the day you sign up you will receive an email titled "EMail Address Verification Link" (please check your spam), which you will need to validate your email in order to complete the process and receive future email notifications.
If you do not want to register your e-mail with our site, please disregard the message. Your e-mail address will not be added to our database and you will not receive any further correspondence from us.