The City of Chilton Water Utilities Department is dedicated to providing safe, reliable drinking water to our citizens. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has enacted new requirements aimed at protecting children and adults from the health effects from being exposed to lead in drinking water. Municipalities must compile a system wide water service line inventory to identify water service lines that could possibly be a source of lead. The inventory must include all service lines connected to the public water distribution system regardless of ownership status.

The City of Chilton continues to take the necessary approach to performing water service line inspections throughout the community. Under the Federal Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR), all public water systems in Wisconsin must submit an initial Service Line Materials Inventory to the Department of Natural Resources. In addition to submitting an initial Service Line Materials Inventory to the DNR, all public water systems must make their inventories publicly accessible (see the below link), and some water systems must meet Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) and Consumer Notification (CN) requirements.


It should be noted and important to note that water service lines is a split ownership. The City of Chilton Water Utilities owns and maintains the water service line from the water main in the middle of the street to the curb stop value located in the terrace area. Each resident is responsible for the water service line from the curb stop value to the water meter setting in the basement. City of Chilton Water Utilities only own and maintains the water meter, not the adjacent shut off values or internal plumbing. 

The Service Line Inventory is now available for the City of Chilton. If you have any questions, please contact the City of Chilton Water Department at 920-849-9562 or City of Chilton City Hall at 920-849-2451. If you are unsure if you have a lead water service line to your home, you can self-identify through the Service Line Material Inventory or schedule a quick 10 minute appointment with Chilton Water Department to confirm the material used in your home.