

The City of Chilton contracted with Accurate Appraisal, LLC, to provide professional assessment services for our residents and property owners.

Accurate Appraisal, LLC, is presently contracted for services that maintain existing property records. They inspect and assess all new construction. Permitted improvements are inspected upon completion, with the assessments adjusted appropriately. All sales are analyzed and visited to ensure the records of the property are correct. Sale property assessments may be adjusted to reflect current condition. Property owners are notified prior to physical inspections being conducted and also when changes are made to their assessed value.

For more information on Accurate Appraisal

If you wish to view City of Chilton Property Search Record or Zoning Map

Services Provided
Discovers, classifies property, and establishes uniform values on all taxable real and personal property. Our goal is to ensure that the property tax burden is distributed fairly among all property owners.  Prepares the annual assessment roll, compiles and submits a number of annual reports to the Department of Revenue, monitors assessment performance, and grants or denies property tax exemption requests.  Responsible for maintaining property ownership and legal descriptions on all property in the City.  Serves as a informational resource to the community.  Is only responsible for the equitable distribution of the tax and does not set nor collect taxes.

Statutory Authority
Assessed values are established while operating in accordance with Chapter 5 of the Wisconsin Property Assessment Manual and the assessment procedure governed by Chapter 70 of the Wisconsin Statutes, and each tax assessment is absolute. The Assessor must be within 10% of market value as defined by Statue, at least once in a five (5) year period.

Staff Certification
Wisconsin Laws, Chapter 39 (1975) define criteria for staff certification. Employees must be state certified to legally perform described duties. Of the 1849 jurisdictions in Wisconsin, 52 require the Assessor II certification.