Election Information
Voter Registration
The WEC (Wisconsin Elections Commission) implemented Online Voter Registration (OVR).
State law now provides that eligible voters who hold a valid State of Wisconsin Driver License (DL) or State Identification (ID) Card that has their current name and address on file with the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can register to vote online. “Register to Vote” can be completed through MyVote.
When a voter uses the OVR system, their name, date of birth, WI DL or ID number, and zip code will be compared with the voter’s information on file with the DMV. If the information the voter enters on MyVote matches the information on file with the DMV, the voter will be able to register to vote online, and will not need to print, mail, or sign their registration form, or provide proof of residence.
The system’s confirmation that the individual holds a valid Wisconsin DL or State ID Card satisfies the proof of residency requirements. If they are unable to make a match with the DMV, then they will still have the option to print, sign, and deliver their registration form to their Municipal Clerk, with proof of residency documents.
Voters will only be able to register online during open registration which occurs 20 days or more prior to an election. If a voter chooses to register using MyVote after that date, their online registration will either be valid for future elections or they can continue with the process to complete their form and then print and deliver it along with proof of residency to their Municipal Clerk's office or the polling place.
Requirements to Vote:
- You must be a U.S. citizen
- You must be at least 18 years old on or before Election Day
- You must have resided at your address for at least 28 consecutive days prior to the election and do not currently intend to move
- You must not have lost your right to vote
Registering to Vote Options:
By Mail: Up to 20 days before the election. Registration forms should be mailed to your municipal clerk. You can start your voter registration form online at http://myvote.wi.gov. Your form must be printed, signed, and mailed or delivered, to your municipal clerk. You must always provide a Proof of Residence document when registering. If you are registering by mail, you can use any of the forms of Proof of residence except a residential lease.
Online: Up to 20 days before the election. Voters who have a valid State of Wisconsin Driver License or State of Wisconsin ID card issued by the Wisconsin Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) can register to vote online on the MyVote Wisconsin website. To register online, the voter must enter a name, date of birth, Driver License, or ID number, and an address that matches what is on file with the Wisconsin DMV. If all of the fields match, the voter will be able to register to vote completely online without needing to print, sign, or mail the form and without needing to send a proof of residence document. Voters who are not able to match their information with the information in the DMV database will be given the option to register by mail (see instructions above).
In the Municipal Clerk's Office: You may register in-person in your municipal clerk’s office up until the Friday before the election at 5:00 p.m. or close of business, whichever is later. You must always provide a Proof of Residence document when registering to vote.
At the Polling Place on Election Day: You may register at the polls on Election Day. You must always provide a Proof of Residence document when registering to vote.
All proof of residence documents must contain voter's current name and address
- A WI Driver's License/ID Card, if not expired or canceled; may be used even if driving privileges have been revoked.
- Any other official identification card or license issued by a Wisconsin governmental body or unit
- An employee ID card with a photograph, but not a business card
- A real property tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the date of the election
- A residential lease (does not count as proof of residence if elector submits form by mail)
- A picture ID from a university, college or technical college coupled with a fee receipt or an on-campus housing listing provided by the university, college or technical college
- A utility bill for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before the day registration is made
- (Homeless voters only) A letter from an organization that provides services to the homeless that identifies the voter and describes the location designated as the person's residence for voting purposes
- A contract/intake document prepared by a residential care facility indicating that the occupant resides in the facility
- A bank/credit card statement
- A paycheck or pay stub
- A check or other document issued by a unit of government
Proof of residence documents may be provided in an electronic format.
Changes in your Registration
If you have moved within the city limits, you will be required to re-register by completing a new voter registration application. If you have moved out of the City of Chilton, you need to re-register in your new municipality.
Name Change
Name changes require re-registration. This can be accomplished by showing a form of identification with your new name and current address. Please do not wait until the day of the election to complete the registration forms. Come to City Hall in advance to re-register.