Fire Education/Prevention/Safety

The City of Chilton Fire Department works hard all year to bring important fire safety information to the community.  We provide an important role in educating the public regarding fire prevention and safety.   By teaching fire prevention and educating the public on how to respond in emergency situations, they can help save lives. Firefighters also teach the community other valuable information, like how to “stop, drop and roll,” when to call 911, crawl below the smoke, not to play with matches or hot surfaces, and poison control to name a few. 


The City of Chilton Fire Department has the following programs:


Fire Department Firehouse Tours: When visiting your local firehouse, individuals are shown what a firefighter looks like in full turnout gear, equipment that is housed on the fire trucks, which includes the ladders and hoses.


Fire Extinguisher Safety Training: The Fire Extinguisher Safety Training is the perfect time to get some hands on experience with a fire extinguisher.  Participants are instructed in the use of extinguishers and how to handle other emergencies at the workplace or home. Participants are required to wear closed toe shoes and pants for this exercise. People with respiratory issues should be aware that this is a live fire exercise that does involve a certain amount of smoke and fine powder from the dry chemical extinguisher. 


School-Aged Fire Prevention Program:  This event is classroom based and will present children with basic information on what to do when encountering a fire.  Topics can include; “Tools not Toys”, “Stop, Drop, Cover, and Roll”, “Stay Low and Go”.  Discussions include dangers of playing with lighters and matches, having two ways out of your house, having a meeting place, and using 911.  Programs are tailored in time and content to the age and needs of the class.