The City of Chilton is proud of our tree-lines streets and our beautiful parks. We recognize that trees provide aesthetic benefits and monetary benefits to our community.  Trees within our community increase property values, reduce air pollution, reduce storm water run-off and reduce heating and cooling costs.

National Arbor Day Foundation

Since 1889, Wisconsin has observed Arbor Day in recognition of the importance of our landscape and our commitment to restore and manage wisely all of our precious natural resources.

Arbor Day is observed the last Friday in April. The City of Chilton will celebrating Arbor Day on Wednesday, May 1, 2024 near the Chilton Elementary School, 421 Court St. A Korean Sun Pear Tree will be planted in memory of Mary T. Schweitzer. Mary taught 1st grade in the Chilton School District for 34 years and lived in Chilton most of her life.


Tree Trimming

Anytime tree branches or shrubs obstruct a public sidewalk or protrude into the right-of-way it is the responsibility of the property owner to trim the obstruction.  Tree branches must be at least 10 feet above the sidewalk or right-of-way to avoid becoming a public nuisance.