Garbage and Recycling

The City of Chilton contracts with GFL Environmental Inc. for collection and transportation of solid waste generated within the City of Chilton.  Residential recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, tin and aluminum is mandatory in the State of Wisconsin.  Every resident is required to separate recyclable material from other solid waste and place it in a recycling container for collection.  


Garbage Cart and Recycling Cart Yearly Fees

Garbage and Recycle Carts are only available in 95 gallon size and are delivered as a set. The annual charge for collection of both the garbage and recycle cart is $225.00.

If a Garbage and/or Recycle Cart is lost or stolen, a replacement cart fee of $120.00 applies.  Fees are subject to change.

The deadline to make changes to the number of garbage/recycle carts at your residence is October 31 of each year. Changes must be requested by contacting Chilton City Hall (920) 849-2451.


Time of Collection

  • Garbage collection is done weekly, beginning at 5:30 a.m. each Tuesday
  • When a holiday falls on a regular workday (Tuesday) garbage and recycling collection will be delayed by one (1) workday (Wednesday).
  • Garbage carts can be placed out the night before the scheduled day of collection (between 2 p.m. and 5 a.m.)
  • Return the cart to its storage area by midnight the day of pick up


Placement of Garbage Carts

  • Garbage carts must be placed behind the curb (not in the street).  Placing garbage carts in the roadway leads to safety concerns and in winter does not allow plows to clear snow close to the curb.  Do not place carts on snowbanks,.  Instead place the cart on your driveway apron or clear an area on your terrace to allow crews access to your cart
  • Do not overload your garbage cart.  The lids must close completely
  • Garbage or waste left beside carts will not be collected
  • The handle of the cart should face your house
  • Place your cart four (4) feet from other objects on the terrace such as other carts, mailboxes, trees, etc. for the truck arms to grab the cart  Opposite sides of driveway is recommended
  • Do not park vehicles in front or near the cart


Large Items Curbside Collection

Large items are no longer picked up as a city-serviced collection, this also includes items left illegally on your property. Items that are too large or heavy to fit in your garbage cart, are considered a large item. These include couches, cabinets, desks, carpet, tables. It is the resident's responsibility to dispose of large items either by calling a contractor of your choosing, or hauling to a drop-off location such as Hickory Meadows Landfill LLC, W3105 Schneider Rd., Hilbert.  Fee may apply.  Contact them at 920-853-8553. 


Recycle Aluminum/Cans/Copper/Brass, Etc.

Residents can recycle aluminum, cans, copper, brass, batteries, lead, radiators and carbide tips at Marcoe's recycling, 232 Morris Court, Fond du Lac, WI. Contact them at (920) 992-8666/


Hazardous Waste Disposal Information

Improperly disposed household hazardous materials can threaten the quality of our drinking water, increase the threat of algae blooms, and threaten the safety of sanitation workers. In addition, hazardous materials left around the house and garage pose an accidental poison risk to children and pets. Special waste disposal events are free to Calumet County residents thanks in part to grant funds, Hickory Meadows Landfill, Calumet County, and the local municipalities.  Hazardous Waste/Electronics Disposal Events are scheduled through Calumet County.


Recyclable Guidelines

Recycling carts provide residents with a neat and clean method of recycling, which helps prevent litter blowing during the collection process.  


How to Place Recycling at the Curb

  • Empty and rinse all bottles and containers.  Place all recyclable materials in the provided cart
  • Do not place recyclables in plastic bags and do not place garbage in your recycling bin
  • Cardboard boxes should be flattened and cut to no larger than 2' x 2' pieces
  • Place your cart four (4) feet from other objects on the terrace such as other carts, mailboxes, trees, etc. for the truck arms to grab the cart Opposite sides of driveway is recommended
  • All recyclables must fit inside your cart with the lid closed.  Place your recycling cart with the front of the lid facing the street and the wheels of the cart toward your house.   


 2025 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
North of Main Street 14, 28 11, 25 11, 25 8, 22 6, 20 3, 17 1, 15, 29 12, 26 9, 23 7, 21 4, 18 2, 16, 30
South of Main Street 7, 21 4, 18 4, 18 1, 15, 29 13, 28* 10, 24 8, 22 5, 19 3*, 16, 30 14, 28 11, 25 9, 23

 * Recyclables are collected on Tuesdays, except when there is a holiday conflict.


General Guideline for accepted recycling materials (All items must be CLEAN OF FOOD)

Plastic: Household bottles, jars, jugs, dairy containers/lids, produce, bakery and deli containers.  EMPTY AND RINSE all bottles and containers. REPLACE screw caps on containers. Loose screw caps fall through the separating equipment and get landfilled.

NOT ACCEPTED: No plastic cups and lids, plastic bags, wraps and films, no motor oil bottles or Styrofoam.


Metal & Glass: Aluminum bottles/cans, steel, tin cans, glass food and beverage bottles and jars. EMPTY AND RINSE all bottles and containers. Do not crush cans or containers. Leave cans and bottles in their original form to increase their recycling potential. Keep lids with containers to increase recyclability.  

NOT ACCEPTED: No aerosol cans, propane tanks, aluminum pans or foil, empty paint cans, scrap metal, metal cookware, mirrors, window glass, ceramics china and drinking glassware.


Paper: Cardboard & paperboard (food boxes), newspapers, inserts, office/school paper, envelopes, junk mail, catalogs, milk, juice and soup cartons. Cut boxes to no larger than 2' x 2' and take confidential papers to shred events for shredding and recycling.

NOT ACCEPTED: No paper cups, shredded paper, tissue paper, pet food bags, fertilizer bags, charcoal bags, and kitty litter bags. 


Additional information on recycling options can be found on Calumet County website or call (920) 849-1493 Ext. 2404.


Christmas Tree Collection

Christmas tree collection is scheduled with Residential Brush Collection, which is conducted on the fourth Monday of January.  This is a CALL-IN BASIS ONLY. Contact City Hall at (920) 849-2451 to schedule a pick up

Local Fishing Clubs will collect old Christmas trees to make ice fishing out on Lake Winnebago a bit easier and safer.   This tree line serves as a guide for vehicles crossing the lake.  It takes about 100 trees to create this tree line from one side of the lake to the other.   Fishing clubs also use the trees for mulch after the season is over.  Contact these area Fishing Clubs for donation: