
Government Structure

The City of Chilton is a body corporate and politic with the powers of a municipality with common laws and governed by the provisions contained in the Wisconsin Statutes. The City operates under a Mayor -Common Council-City Administrator form of government.  

Under this form, all corporate authority is vested in the Common Council, consisting of Alderpersons elected by districts and a Mayor elected at large. The Common Council is responsible for all policy-making and/or legislative functions.  The Council's primary business is the passage of laws in the form of ordinances or resolutions which prescribe what the law shall be, not only in relation to the particular facts existing at the time, but to all future cases under it.


Vision Statement

That the City of Chilton be a friendly, safe, community-oriented city providing services efficiently and effectively with a vital balance of residential, commercial, industrial, and public facilities serving all of the people.


Mission Statement

To provide prompt, efficient, cost-effective service and leadership in a friendly manner for the purpose of enhancing the quality of life and growth in the City of Chilton.

We will accomplish our vision and mission statements by emphasizing the following:

  • Develop and promote teamwork both within and between departments
  • Set priorities and attainable goals; then accomplish them
  • Be accountable for defined responsibilities
  • Encourage long range planning at all department levels
  • Foster a truthful and respectful work environment
  • Communicate clearly and effectively to each other and the public
  • Be proactive rather than reactive
  • Provide an environment that encourages and supports professional growth through training and education
  • Emphasize we are here to serve the people and are stewards of their money