Edward Bonk (1922-1928)
Birth: February 2, 1881
Death: August 17,1950 (Age 69)
Burial: St. Mary's Cemetery (Chilton, Calumet County, Wisconsin)
Edward Joseph Bonk was born February 2, 1881 in Newton, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Bonk. He attended schools in that township before marrying Hulda Paulsen on June 23, 1909. In 1914, he became manager of the Chilton Canning Company and became a resident of the City of Chilton. He was a member of the County Board from 1930 until the time of his death, serving as chairman since 1934. Besides holding the officer of mayor between 1922 and 19278, he was also a director of the Calumet County Fair Association, a director of the Commercial Bank of Chilton, and a director of the Wisconsin Canners' Association, being a diamond member of the organization. He held memberships in the Knights of Columbus, Catholic Knight's of Wisconsin, St. Joseph's society, Holy Name Society, Kiwanis Club, Old Guard of National Canners Association, and G.U.G Germania. He has two children, Mrs. Charles (Armella) Woodward of Philadelphia and Attorney Donald Bonk of Chilton; a sister, Mrs. Tom (Celia) Sims of Chicago. .