Water Meter Testing Program

The City of Chilton has a water meter testing program where homes and businesses will have their water meters tested on a rotating schedule. Water meters mechanically measure the water as it enters your property and the water moves through the meter. You can find the meter where the water service connects to a building, usually in the basement on the wall closest to the street. An Automated Meter Reading (AMR) device is connected to the meter. The AMR is a radio transmitter powered by a battery. As the Water Department vehicle passes by the building on the street, a data-collecting device records the meter reading transmitted by radio signal from the AMR. The receiver transfers the signal to a central database for billing, troubleshooting, and analyzing. Water bills are based on actual readings and not estimates. AMR helps detect water leaks and reduces water waste.

The City of Chilton Water Department ask property owners to allow us to enter each property to replace/test the water meter and perform a cross connection inspection to the residence/business as required by the Public Service Commission.  The cross Connection Control Program is in accordance with Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 810.15, which is designed to protect the public water supply to the last flowing tap or end use device of every water connection in the system.  Water Department personnel will be conducting a cross connection survey each time a residential water meter is replaced.  Potential hazardous connections will need to be corrected to ensure the health and safety of all residents of Chilton.  Cross Connections do not only contaminate your own drinking water, but can endanger  the safety of the entire water supply in the City of Chilton.

In most cases, this process will take approximately 30-minutes to complete. Your water service will be interrupted for a very short period and the workers need clear access to the water meter. It should also be stated that there is no additional charge to the customer for the installation of the new water meter.

The City of Chilton City Hall will contact homeowners and/or businesses to schedule a 30-minute meter replacement appointment if you are on the yearly replacement cycle. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, from 7:15 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter. Wireless meter readings have already saved customers hundreds of dollars and conserved thousands of gallons of water.


Information on Cross Connection Safety


The City of Chilton Water Department has implemented a Cross Connection Control Program in accordance with Wisconsin Administrative Code NR 810.15, which is designed to protect the public water supply to the last flowing tap or end use device of every water connection in the system. Water Department personnel will be conducting a cross connection survey each time a residential water meter is replaced. Potential hazardous connections will need to be corrected to ensure the health and safety of all residents of Chilton.  Cross Connections can not only contaminate your own drinking water, but can endanger the safety of the entire water supply in Chilton.


What is a Cross Connection?

A Cross Connection is any physical connection or arrangement of piping or plumbing fixtures which may allow contaminates to come in contact with the drinking water supply.  A cross connection could allow contaminated water, sewage, or chemical solutions to enter your water system through backflow or backsiphonage.  Cross connections are one of the most serious public health threats to a drinking water supply and many times are present in a residential water system.  Correcting these cross connections is usually a simple process.  


What is Backflow?

Backflow is caused by the pressure of a home's water connection being greater than the pressure of the supply system.  This can cause water or contaminants to flow back into the supply system (i.e. City water mains).  Boilers and pumps are two common fixtures which can create backflow.


What is Backsiphonage?

Backsiphonage is the reversal of normal water flow in the piping system.  This can cause water or contaminants to be drawn through your home's plumbing and back into the supply main (like a beverage through a straw).  Negative pressure in the supply system can be caused by supply mains being closed or restricted for repairs, breaks in the supply mains, or large water demands such as firefighting.


Contact John Bodinger at the City Water Department for more information or to answer any questions you may have.