Snowmobile Routes

Snowmobilers are requested to stay on marked trails. Those who do not stay on the trails (map listed at bottom of page) are trespassing and may be prosecuted.

City of Chilton Municipal Code Section 28-75: 

(a) Routes and trails designated.

(1) Generally. Except as provided in Wis. Stats. §§ 350.02 and 350.045 or for snowmobile events authorized in accordance with Wis. Stats. § 350.04, no person shall operate a snowmobile upon any public right-of-way, in any public park, or on any other public city property in the city except upon the following designated snowmobile routes and trails:

a. Streets and highways. All those streets and shoulders of highways as indicated on a map submitted by the snowmobile club and approved by the council for that winter season.

b. Parks and recreational areas. Operation of snowmobiles is authorized in Hobart Park in designated areas or on marked trails, and in the county fairgrounds (subject to approval of the fair association).

(2) Compliance to route or trail signs or limits. No person shall fail to obey any route or trail sign, marker or limit erected in accordance with this section.

(b )Speed. No person shall operate a snowmobile upon any public right of way or highway within the city at a speed in excess of that permitted or posted for other motor vehicles or in any public park or area.

(c) Hours of operation. No person shall operate a snowmobile upon any public highway or other public property, in any public park or recreational area, lake or upon any private premises open to public for snowmobiling within the city limits between 2:30 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.

(d) Unattended vehicles. No person shall leave or allow a snowmobile owned or operated by him to remain unattended on any public highway or public property while the motor is running or with the starting key left in the ignition.

(e) Operation on sidewalks or malls prohibited. No person shall operate a snowmobile on any sidewalk, pedestrian way or mall within the city.

(f) Operation on private premise restricted. No person shall operate a snowmobile on any private property not owned or controlled by him within the city without the permission of the owner.

(g)Operation on icebound waters. No person shall operate or ride upon a snowmobile on the Manitowoc River at any time or place without permission from the police chief. The police chief is directed and authorized to procure, erect and maintain signs giving notice that such restrictions are in effect at all public access points to such river.