The Chilton Police Department consists of eight (8) full-time and three (3) part-time officers, one (1) department Chaplin and one (1) full-time Administrative Assistant. The Department's eight (8) full-time positions are comprised of a Chief of Police who is also the City’s Emergency Management Director, a Captain of Police and six (6) Patrol Officers.
The backbone of any police organization is its Patrol/Investigation Division. The City of Chilton Police Department provides quality law enforcement services to our community 24 hours every day, 365 days per year.
The patrol officers work station is a marked vehicle equipped with computers and other special equipment needed to perform their duties. A patrol officer spends the majority of their shift inside a marked vehicle while out in the community so they can be readily available to the public. Patrol officers are encouraged to use a balanced mixture of traditional police enforcement measures while effectively using a community policing philosophy to address chronic crime and disorder.
All of our patrol officers are highly trained and adept in responding to emergencies as well any other calls for service. Our patrol officers, in addition to their patrol duties, are tasked with additional responsibilities . The department has an Investigator who is specially trained in sensitive crimes, a Drug Investigator who is part of the Calumet County Drug Task Force, and an Evidence Custodian that is in charge of all the evidence to include audits and record keeping. These officers are committed to providing the best quality of service to their community. Our goal is to work with the members of our community to make the City of Chilton a safe, enjoyable, and a fun place to live, work, and play.
Oversized Load Escorts
The Chilton Police Department will provide marked squad car escorts for oversized loads transported through City of Chilton. Oversize loads longer than 100' are not permitted through Main St./Madison St. without an escort with our Patrol Division. If you wish to arrange an escort, you must contact the Patrol Division at (920) 849-4855 a minimum of 24 hours prior to the escort. It is the citizen's responsibility to obtain all permits, permissions and approved routes from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, local authorities and utilities. Permits should be secured prior to making arrangements for the escort.