How to Run for Office
All forms can be obtained from the Chilton City Clerk's Office, 42 School Street, Chilton.
Click the link below for the City of Chilton District/Ward Map:
- 18 Years of Age
- Elector/Resident of the City of Chilton
- Alderperson candidates must reside in their respective district
Necessary Forms and Deadlines
Prior to announcing your candidacy for office and/or collecting or disbursing funds for campaign purposes, candidates must file a Campaign Registration Statement and Declaration of Candidacy in the City of Clerk's Office.
You may NOT begin circulating Nomination Papers until December 1st, and the deadline for filing nomination papers is 4:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday in January.
All of the following forms must be completed and filed on time for candidates running for municipal office in order for the candidate's name to be placed on the ballot for the Spring Primary and/or Spring General Election (Wis. Stats. § 8.10):
- Campaign Registration Statement - Form CF-1: Candidates should file a Campaign Registration Statement as soon as the intent to seek an elected office is known and before any funds are collected or spent. All candidates must file a Campaign Registration Statement or amended statement before they begin to circulate nomination papers on December 1st.
- Nomination Papers - Form EL-169: Nomination papers may be circulated any time on or after December 1st, once the candidate has filed a Campaign Registration Statement with the City Clerk. Signers must include their complete signature, complete address, and date of signing. Each Nomination Paper must be signed by the Circulator after all signatures on the page have been collected. Nomination papers should not be left unattended but personally circulated by the person who signs as the Circulator. The instructions for the completion of the Nomination Papers are on the back of each paper and should be followed carefully. It is important to secure more than the minimum number of signatures just in case some signatures are declared invalid and removed from the count.
- Mayor candidates must collect 50 (minimum) to 100 (maximum) signatures of qualified city electors.
- Alderperson candidates must collect 20 (minimum) to 40 (maximum) signatures of qualified electors within their district.
- Declaration of Candidacy - Form EL-162: This form must be filed with the City Clerk no later than the deadline for filing Nomination Papers. The candidate must indicate how their name should appear on the official ballot. This form must be sworn to and signed in the presence of a notary or person authorized to administer oaths, such as the City Clerk.
- Notification of Noncandidacy - Form EL-163: Incumbents not seeking re-election must file a Notification of Noncandidacy. Deadline for filing a Notification of Noncandidacy is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20, 2024.
Click the link below for the City of Chilton District/Ward Map: